Servicing diverse communications transmission network environments including
fixed wireline, wireless & mobile and enterprise markets
Our Business
- We provide technical network services to telecommunications companies and specialize in the distribution of specialized equipment for structured cabling and telco markets.
- We provide services related to transmission networks including cabling and
installations of associated equipment. We do installations, commissioning, upgrades and maintenance of RF related
equipment including microwave systems. We offer engineering planning services for telecommunication companies including
traffic & RF planning.
We also specialize in structured cabling and we provide our own Teranet and
ObserverRack brands and other third party brands
About Fibretronic Sales
Fibretronic Sales (FTS) was established in 1999 as part of the NCT Fibrenet Holdings group and later in 2002, became a separate entity.
FTS is 100% owned and controlled by Seemahale Telecoms Pty Ltd since October 2011.
FTS has 42% Female Ownership.
The Board of Directors of FTS is 50% women controlled.
The Board of Directors of FTS is made up of:
- Dr Thabo Lehlokoe -- Chairman
- Ms Dillo Lehlokoe – Chief Executive Officer
FTS is a very proud level 1 contributor to BBBEE.
» Click here to download certificate
FTS’s controlling shareholder, Seemahale Telecoms is 100% black owned and controlled and is level 1 BEE contributor.
To become a key innovative system integrator for the telecommunications
To provide quality turnkey solutions to a wide range of communication markets
including telcos, government telecom sector, utility telecom sector and value
added service providers.
Our Philosophy
We are driven by a passion for what we do, pride in quality of work and superior
service delivery.
Meet the people that make it happen
Dillo Lehlokoe
Ms Lehlokoe is the CEO of Fibretronic Sales Pty Ltd and a Director of Seemahale Telecoms Pty Ltd. She is an Economist-turned policy and strategy specialist in the area of telecommunications and e-government. Dillo’s experience and accomplishments in the ICT sector were acquired during her employment and consultancy work with various ICT organizations including the Department of Communications (DoC), Telkom, State IT Agency, zaDomain Name Authority. During her employment at the DoC, she was involved in the number of projects that saw the restructuring of the South African telecommunication sector including the partial privatization of Telkom, creation of the new telecommunications regulatory regime that separated policy, regulatory and operations functions. She led a policy process that resulted in the enactment of Electronic Communications and Transactions Act (ECT), 2002.
As a business consultant, amongst others, she recently developed a mobile government strategy and some e-government related initiatives within SITA. She developed the policy framework for .zaDomain Name Authority - policies and procedures for managing and administering .za domain name. Ms Lehlokoe served as a coordinator for the Joint Initiative on Priority Skills Acquisition (JIPSA) at the Presidency, which was led by the former Deputy President of South Africa, where she also acted as an advisor on ICT related issues.
Ms Lehlokoe holds a Bachelor degree in Economics from the University of Lesotho, a Post-graduate Diploma in Economics from the University of Cape Town, Masters of Business Administration from Edinburgh Business School, Herriot-Watt University and Executive Master in e-Governance from EPFL University in Switzerland.
Thabo Lehlokoe
The founder and CEO of Seemahale Investment Corporation Pty Ltd, is a medical doctor turned entrepreneur with a special interest in ICT’s, having spent the last 12 years in companies with a strong ICT foundation. He was until recently, a Vice President of the Information Technology Association of South Africa (ITA), a Council Member of the Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) and was active in its Trade and Industry Committee.
He was a director of Siemens Business Services where he headed the Public Sector business development, marketing, communications, channel management and BEE initiatives of the company under the role of Market Development Director.
He has built a strong network of relationships both in the public and private sector. He was the Chairman of Swicon Group Pty Ltd which provides HR/Payroll business solutions running on SAP platform.
He is currently the Chairman of Seemahale Telecoms (Pty) Ltd and took up the post of Chairman of Fibretronic Sales (Pty) Ltd in February 2011.